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How to Pick the Best Water Soluble Fertilizer?
Solube Fertilizers Mar 19, 2024

What Are Water-Soluble Fertilizers?

Greenway Biotech water soluble fertilizers for garden

Water soluble fertilizers are fertilizers that can be dissolved in water for easier application.

In the dissolved state, soluble fertilizer can be introduced directly to the plant's root system through drip irrigation and foliar application.

This application method allows the plant roots to make better use of the added nutrients.


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Benefits Of Water Soluble Fertilizers?

Person applying greenway biotech azomite powder volcanic ash to potted plant

Here are some benefits of water-soluble fertilizers

  • Easy Application

Farmers can apply water-soluble fertilizers faster than other types of fertilizers available in the market.


Related Post: Is Organic Fertilizer Helpful for Your Garden?


More importantly, there's little to no specialized equipment needed to work soluble fertilizers into the soil.

  • Easily Adjustable

Gardeners can adjust nutrient concentration to suit their plant's nutritional needs.

To do this, they simply add water for lower dosages and more fertilizer for high concentrations.

By administering the right amount of fertilizers, the plants stay healthy.


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Not only does it take a shorter time to apply, but it also takes less energy.

All you need is a large enough tank strategically placed to feed the fertilizer, and that is it; gravity does the rest for you.

This frees up your time so you can focus on other important things.

Water soluble fertilizer also reduces the amount of interaction with the chemical, which is good because overexposure to fertilizer can lead to mishandling which can affect your health.

How to Choose the Best Water-Soluble Fertilizer?

Greenway biotech water soluble fertilizers for hydroponics and aquaponics

Choosing the best water-soluble fertilizer can be daunting, especially when you have various choices.

One way to choose the best water-soluble fertilizer is by checking the nutrients contained within.

Our Monoammonium Phosphate 12-61-0 100% Water Soluble fertilizer contains 12% Nitrogen and 61% Phosphorus and is 100% water soluble.

Nitrogen and Phosphorus are great nutrients for blooming plants and fruits.


Related Post: The 5 Best Fertilizers for Beginner Gardeners


Another way to choose the best water-soluble fertilizer is by matching it to your planting stage.

Our Magnesium Nitrate & Magnesium Oxide Formula 11-0-0 is great for application before you place the seed in the earth.

This water-soluble fertilizer is great for improving soil structure.

It provides the plant with all the necessary nutrients for sturdy growth.


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